Our vision is of a future where young people in Aotearoa engage with the challenges that face them so they can achieve their full potential, and make a positive impact in their families, communities and wider society.
Our mission is inspired by the Gospels, the Marist story, and the experiences and hopes of the children, young people and young adults we encounter. Our work seeks to uphold the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and aims to encompass the values and understandings of culture, history and context.
The Logos Project works with approximately 5000 children, young people and young adults each year, primarily in school settings. We design and deliver a range of programmes which assist in the holistic development of young people, with the aim of building young people who are grounded in their values and strong in their identity. We have a particular focus on the integration of faith in life, and the challenges that this presents in our society. Formation and pastoral care is at the heart of our work.
The Logos Project’s programmes and services support young people, as they explore who they are and what they can become. This journey involves the facilitation of positive relationships, engagement with the community, challenging experiences and opportunities for reflection.
To find our more about specific programmes, visit the services page.